The First Westchester-Putnam Masonic Charity Corporation (MCC), a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, is the primary charitable organization affiliated with the First Westchester Putnam District. The MCC cares for district members and their families, in addition to people with no connection with the Masonic Fraternity.

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The First Westchester-Putnam Masonic Charity Corporation (MCC), a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, is the primary charitable organization affiliated with the First Westchester Putnam District. The MCC cares for district members and their families, in addition to people with no connection with the Masonic Fraternity. The MCC works with local Masonic Lodges to help distribute funds to local charitable organizations. In recent years contributions supported the United Food for Troops, Hillside Food Outreach, Masonic Student Assistance Training (MSAT) and My Sister’s Place.